Sunday, February 8, 2009

How to Humble a Real Estate Agent......

Have him or her list their own house. It's been a while since I have sold my personal house and how easy it is to forget what is involved. The daily cleaning to keep it show ready is enough to drive anyone mad. In today's market a seller must be on top of their game when it comes to a clean house because everyone wants new and move in ready. They want fresh paint in updated colors, updated light fixtures and kitchen appliances. For the most part the house needs to look as if you don't live there and when you have a family that is not the easiest thing to do. "Depersonalize" that's what most agents will tell you. Is it possible to depersonalize so much it doesn't even feel like your house anymore? Can a house ever be clean enough? I could spend hours upon hours, which I do, cleaning this 2200sf house and still find other things to be done. I think as soon as I turn my back the dust bunnies tell their friends, "Ok the coast is clear, let's float back down." My poor husband is starting to think it's normal to walk around with a paint cup. Let's don't forget the "We will be there in 10 minutes" phone calls. Quick run like mad, make the beds, turn on the lights, everyone in the car in their pajamas cause there's not time to get dressed at 8:30 in the morning. Want to have friends over, sure no problem as long as they know they are not allowed to touch anything and they could be recruited to clean something at a moments notice. Seller's I feel your pain. Long after my house is sold I will remember for a while the process that was involved. About the time I forget I will probably list my next house and go through it again. I will do my best to give as much notice as possible and will also be sure when I list your house to give my best advice. Here's one hint "Hire a maid service."

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